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Licensed Providers in Washington State
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In-person availability on Wednesdays with Rachel in the West Seattle area.
Couples Therapy in Washington State
Call us at 317-902-6359
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Our Prepare/Enrich program for couples is ideal for those in the pre-commitment/pre-marital stage of life OR for couples wanting to have a tune-up for their relationship.
Prepare/Enrich developed an assessment that helps uncover the strengths and growth areas for you to create as a couple. We focus on helping you build on your strengths and move your growth areas into strengths.
The goals of the program are:
To explore your strength and growth areas
Strengthen communication skills
Identify and manage major stressors
Resolve conflicts together
Create a more balanced relationship
Understand personality differences and create a teamwork mentality
As a couple, you will begin by completing the Prepare/Enrich Assessment which we use to personalize your therapy process. The results from the assessment will help lay out the path we take to develop relationships strengths and tools. Most couples participate in 6-10 sessions of couples counseling together enhancing their relationship skills, engaging in connective discussion, and creating more strength together. Our team will help develop a plan of what will best support your growth together and indicate how many sessions may be needed to do that work.
Prepare/Enrich is:
a momentary snapshot of your relationship.
a catalyst for discussion between you and your partner.
a proven means to lower your risk of divorce.
an accurate, research-based report of your relationship strength and growth areas.
a valid and reliable source of relationship enrichment.
Prepare/Enrich IS NOT:
a reflection of what your relationship historically has been or will be in the future.
a compatibility report or test you can pass or fail.
a guarantee for a successful relationship.
a measure that indicates you should break up or get married.
a replacement for professional relationship counseling.
Prepare/Enrich has almost 40 years of research validation showing it is a trusted, comprehensive relationship assessment for couples.
The assessment has been proven to increase relationship skills and satisfaction.
Over 4 million couples have taken the Prepare/Enrich Assessment.